Wessex Alcohol Mix

Wessex Alcohol Mix, a great alternative to Denatured Alcohol. No HMRC license required, high alcohol content and great results.

See below for further information.


Wessex Alcohol Mix is our own alternative to Denatured Alcohol.
Since the introduction of the new alcohol license, it is now a legal requirement to obtain a license in order to purchase Denatured Alcohol. for many companies this will still be necessary and it is a free, if lengthy process. If, however, you don’t need the purity of Denatured Alcohol, but something which will do the job just as well, then Wessex Alcohol Mix may be just the thing you’re looking for
Where Denatured Alcohol has a high percentage of Ethanol and is denatured with Methanol, this product is a 50:50 mixture of IPA and Ethanol.

Although Denatured Alcohol will still be required for some applications, this is a brilliant alternative, particularly within the sign-making trade.
If you still think you need Denatured Alcohol, follow this link for further information on obtaining a license: HMRC – TDSA


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