Update on products affected by new legislation

You may be aware that new legislation came into affect on 1st October 2023 which meant that several of our products could no longer be sold to the general public. As a result these products could only be purchased by professional users through a company. The company was required to provide photographic ID and complete a form before they could purchase these products from us.

The regulation changes relate to the percentage of certain acids in products available for sale to the general public. At Wessex we were aware that this has caused great inconvenience to our customer and so we have been working to re-formulate some of the affected products to reduce the percentage of affected acids to below the required levels but also to ensure that the products remain as effective as before.

As you can imagine this has been a fairly involved process of re-formulation and testing! We can now announce that our Macerator Cleaner has been re-formulated and so can now be sold to the general public again and we no longer require photo ID and the form completed for our professional customers as well!

Our chemists are hard at work re-formulating and testing the other products affected (urinal descaler, powerflush extra, free scale and proflush) and we hope to have them back on the shelves for the general public in 2024! Please keep an eye on our social media and website for further updates!

If you have any questions please get in touch!


Update on products affected by new legislation